Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday July 14th, 2010

11am - 4pm

To Do List:
  • Put new books in database
  • For Faye: send a scripted note to authors when they are mentioned in FF blog
  • Author Challenge

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tuesday July 13th, 2010

11am - 5pm


Today we opened up a whole lot of new books! Well I did. lol
I got pretty good at opening up boxes with lots of extra tape and lots of cardboard envelopes.

To Do List:
  • Open all Books (Check)
  • Put all books in database (check)
  • Complete all info on books in the database (ongoing)

We got just a little under 150 books in. All are now in the database and the info will be completed tomorrow at work with Pam's help!

After opening up all the books I sorted them into publication stacks. For example: July, August, Sept, etc....

Then slyly twittered that I was looking at the towers of books I made for Sara to come help me finish! lol

She came over to the table with me when she was done (for the moment) with her stuff and I read her ISBN numbers. She entered them into bookreader or book recorder or some program like that and I continued to sort them into stacks when that particular book was done.

Gwen stayed in the "office" area working on her soap column then took a nap upstairs...I think? She came down for Lunch and then again later before I left.

Anyways, after sorting all the books by pub. month I put the stacks of books into boxes. Of course I made sure to take out all the books I wanted to read. lol

Sara made a list of the books I wanted and told me to review them! YES! Publish experience!

Today was definitely new book day. We stayed in. I got to work. Worked hard. Ate pizza for lunch. Had fun.

Another good day in the life of being a Intern.

Till Tomorrow!Becky

Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday July 12, 2010

11am - 5pm

Sry, It's been a while...
Well I kinda forgot about this thing and then it was fourth of july weekend...then I forgot about it again... :)

Today we had a super Adventure!

To Do List:
  • Go to Pr Event thing-a-ma-jig
  • email Gwen R&R 2010 minutes
  • Author Challenge

I got to the house at 11am as usual as always and we left for the Studio Movie Grill for a PR event. Guess who I randomly ran into?

Back story: This past spring I applied to join this prestigious group on campus called PLP (the Professional Leadership Program) through the College of Business. After a rigorous application process and stressful panel interview I got ACCEPTED!!

Well, I ran into Fanny, a student director in PLP, one of many who sat through my interview. I was sooo excited. She was all dressed up with her Mentor Bill Wallace who ran the event.

After saying hi to her I went back to sit down and ordered lunch. I happened to be the only one who ordered food...Well, one of the only ones who didn't order a salad and got a hamburger instead. lol

We all had to stand up and introduce ourselves to the ppl in the room. Guess who sat behind me?

Back story: When I was a freshman in high school, I was on the cheerleading squad.

Well, A girl from the varsity cheerleading squad of high school that year stood up and introduced herself as an anchorwoman for cbs or nbc. one of them. That's pretty cool.

It really is a small world. Probably smaller now that I've been an RA and like to be involved.

We sat through a demo on "sound bites" by Jeff Brady and Rebecca Rodriguez. Three unlucky people got called to the front and we critiqued how well they did on camera. I really learned alot. Took notes on my Ipod Touch. lol cause of course I forgot paper.

When it was done, I went down to the bottom so I could introduce myself to Bill Wallace, Fanny's Mentor. Once I mentioned PLP he got super excited. lol It was nice and entertaining. Made me feel special. I took a picture with him and fanny and then went back home with Sara this time.

We took two cars cause Gwen had a movie to review.
Sara gave me some good advice and when we got home I emailed everyone I saw there (from what I remembered) and told how nice it was to meet them or see them again.

Then I wrote Readers and Ritas (R and R) Minutes...

Easy, interesting, entertaining, day.
Tomorrow we'll be opening up 3 boxes full of new books to sort!

I'm learning so much through this internship and meeting people I never thought I would.
I love having a small world. It makes things more accessible and much more fun.

"I will be camera ready" Becky!